The HPE Packaging Guidelines set minimum standards for tough and reliable packaging for transporting technical equipment. Their aim is to protect these goods from any harmful conditions along the logistics chain to ensure that each product reaches its destination unharmed and ready for service.

The HPE Packaging Guidelines were revised by a committee of the German Federal Association for wooden packaging, pallets and export packaging’s (HPE) expert group “Packaging according to HPE standards” and is available as a 100-page A4 brochure in German and English. In addition to content revisions, many of the technical drawings were updated and images were added for specific industries.





















The new edition of the HPE packaging guidelines can be ordered for €49, the English version for €79 (each plus VAT and shipping costs). This fee-based service is offered on behalf of HPE e.V. by VHP - Verwertungsgesellschaft für Holzpackmittel und Paletten mbH.

For a glimpse into the HPE Packaging Guidlines please click on the picture above.

The expert group HPE-Certified Custom Packaging is organized by Bundesverband Holzpackmittel, Paletten und Exportverpackung e.V. in Bad Honnef.


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The HPE Packaging Guidelines set minimum standards for tough and reliable packaging for transporting technical equipment. Their aim is to protect these goods from any harmful conditions along the logistics chain to ensure that each product reaches its destination unharmed and ready for service.

The HPE Packaging Guidelines were revised by a committee of the German Federal Association for wooden packaging, pallets and export packaging’s (HPE) expert group “Packaging according to HPE standards” and is available as a 100-page A4 brochure in German and English. In addition to content revisions, many of the technical drawings were updated and images were added for specific industries.















The new edition of the HPE packaging guidelines can be ordered for €49, the English version for €79 (each plus VAT and shipping costs). This fee-based service is offered on behalf of HPE e.V. by VHP - Verwertungsgesellschaft für Holzpackmittel und Paletten mbH.

For a glimpse into the HPE Packaging Guidlines please click on the picture above.